5 thoughts on “USB Card FEMTO gets a free update to ver. 2.0

  1. Eduard-Catalin TUDOR says:

    Is this update applicable to JCAT USB rev 1.1 card?

    1. Marcin Ostapowicz says:

      Hi Eduard-Catalin,

      Yes, it’s applicaable to USB Card rev 1.1 as well 🙂

      Best regards,
      Marcin Ostapowicz
      JPLAY & JCAT Founder

  2. Hi!
    Just changed the firmware and it sounds even better to me: “Deeper”, “wider”(soundstage), even “cleaner” (inter-transient grain) and even better formed bass (not a scientific double-blind comparison, but my subjective impression).
    So – thank you, Marcin!
    Peter MacTaggart

  3. Russ Roberts says:

    I have a JCat 1.1 card and would like to get the Femto 2.0 firmware upgrade for it.I know this is an old link but it states that this upgrade works on the 1.1 version as well. Please send the upgrade to me if possible Thx

    1. Marcin Ostapowicz says:

      Hi Russ, you can download the firmware update from here. Some AV software may display a warning, but it is a false-positive alert: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/r8jjme1rdhoo5agqth4hb/JCATUSBFEMTO_FW20.zip?rlkey=d96agj5vm7x2pvsfj5bjgg31c&dl=0

      Best regards,

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